I love it when you comment, Alex. It always gives me something more to think about. I can safely say that I never pressured my daughter into specific interests or activities. I feel blessed that we seem to have some naturally occurring interstecting interests that allow for places for us to connect. In general, she got to pick things she wanted to do, the only stipulation being that she needed to try something, and not quit in the middle. If she didn't like it, she didn't need to keep doing it, she could find something else.
She went through a lot of sports, but that wasn't her thing. No sweat. She started piano at about 5, and played until middle school where she switched to trombone. That took her through high school. I actually recorded an original instrumental that she (and one of her current roommates) played on. You just gave me an idea for a piece.... Thanks, Alex! :-) And thank you for getting me thinking.